Chapter 59 of Isaiah is built on the theme, "Sin, Confession and Redemption." The chapter begins by reminding us that the Lord's arm is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. It is actually our iniquities that have separated us from God and caused Him to hide His face from us. When we call, God does not hear us because of our blood stained hands, guilt covered fingers, lying lips and wicked tongues. Our injustices, wicked schemes,violence and evil thoughts have made God to depart from us. This is the tragedy of sin: it not only hurts us but it also disconnects us from God, without whom we can do nothing. "The reason why Jehovah does not deliver His people, notwithstanding their religious services (Isa 58:3), is not want of power on His part, but because of their sins" (Jamieson, Fausset and Brown commentary).
Taking a reflective look at my life, I have fallen short of God's glory in many ways. The good news is that God has provided for my restoration through Christ. 1st John 1:9 states that if I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Believers need to adopt a lifestyle of confession because none is righteous, not even one. Even the best of saints does not meet the standard of God's righteousness, for God's word indicates that our righteousness is as filthy rags before Him. None of us can boast of our works; if we are to boast, we are to boast in knowing the Lord, for through Him we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Many believers today are living a powerless and defeated life; they have lost the joy of their salvation, simply because they have chosen to live in sin. The corruption of our hearts has hardened us, and made us not to respond to God's promptings. Our eyes are blinded so that we do not see and our ears dampened so that we do not hear. We grope along the wall feeling our way like the blind; we stumble at midday; and are considered dead among the strong (Isaiah 59:10). To choose to continue living in sin is likened to spinning a spider's web with an intention of making clothing to cover oneself (Isaiah 59:5-6). It is futile and mere vanity. This metaphor vividly reveals to us the deception of sin.
The Church in Kenya needs to also repent for entangling ourselves with civilian pursuits and walking in the flesh, rather than in the Spirit. God never intended that the Church would rely on human wisdom and earthly systems to accomplish His purpose. He never intended for the Church to run its own vision and mission, apart from that laid down in scripture, which is His intent for the Church. No wonder there are many activities in churches today but little power to bear spiritual fruit that abides. When we speak, we do so from our own wisdom rather than under God's counsel and guidance. Paul likes to call it, "plausible words of wisdom." No wander, our message is no longer in demonstration of power and authority (1st Corinthians 2:5). In this election year of 2017, the Kenyan Church is guilty of giving away the altars of God to politicians during our Sunday services. Consequently, many altars of God are defiled and the presence of God no longer inhabits us when we meet. God looks and is displeased! We need to hear the Spirit's call to repentance and heed in obedience.
In addition, we need to repent on behalf of our nation Kenya. We have walked in rebellion and treachery (double mindedness and infidelity) against the Lord. Our backs have been turned against the Lord, and have continued to indulge in injustice, oppression, lies, greed, tribalism, bribery, idolatry and many other sins. Our country Kenya has suffered and continues to suffer because of the sin of its people. May God forgive us and withhold His wrath from us. God is Love but He is also Just. This alone should cause believers to respond in earnest repentance on behalf of our nation. May His grace enable us to faithfully stand in the gap for our nation. In Isaiah 59:16-17, God was appalled that there was no one to intervene in Israel's sinful lifestyle and He therefore put on the garments of vengeance and cloak of zeal. Isaiah 59:18 states, "According to what they have done, so will he (God) repay wrath to his enemies and retribution to his foes..."
We live in the last days, where it is prophesied that we will hear many wars and rumors of wars; there will be an ascent of calamities: famines and earthquakes; persecution will increase in frequency, coverage and intensity; many will turn away from the faith and hate each other; many false prophets will appear and deceive people; and the love of most will grow cold (Matthew 24:6-12). In John Gill's expository, he states that, "When Satan, the common "enemy" of mankind, the avowed and implacable enemy of Christ and his people, "shall come" into the world, and into the church, as he will in the latter day; and has already entered "like" an impetuous flood, threatening to carry all before him, introducing a flood of immorality and profaneness, as in the days of Noah and Lot, to which the times of the Son of Man's coming are likened, (Luke 17:26-30; 2 Timothy 3:1-5) or else a flood of error and heresy of all sorts; ... the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."
It is comforting to know that God has promised to raise a standard against the devil and all his wicked devices, despite the increase of sin in the earth. Join me in trusting God and praying that His standard be raised in Kenya. The standard of His Word is able to expose darkness; break the bars of iron and the shackles of bronze that have held our nation in captivity; dry bones to live; and to bring healing to our land. God is the Standard (Banner) over Kenya. As we are in an election year, His banner over us is love, peace and joy. Nothing will be able to stand in the purposes of God for this nation. We need only remain in prayer until the Lord establishes His purposes and His Kingdom reigns in Kenya. According to Isaiah 59:19-20, we decree that "From all the corners of our nation, men will fear the name of the Lord. From the rising of the sun, His glory will be revered in Kenya. The Standard of God is raised against the devil and his schemes in our land. The Redeemer shall come to Kenya, to those who repent of their sins."
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