Thursday, 17 March 2016

Called For Such A Time As This!

  The book of Esther was approximately written in 470 B.C. which was about nine years after Esther had become queen.  Though the book does not mention any name or title for God, God's presence is clear throughout the book (NIV commentary).  Esther, a young Jewess lady, came into the scene after Queen Vashti's disobedience and subsequent deposition (Esther 1).  To replace Queen Vashti, a search was done for beautiful young virgins in the provinces of the Medo-Persian empire and those selected were brought to the citadel (fortress) of Susa.

Esther was among the girls who were selected and cared for by Hegai.  It is noteworthy that despite the large number of girls selected, Esther found favor before Hegai, thus she was provided immediately with her beauty treatments, special food, seven maids to take care of her and the best place in the harem (Esther 2:9).  When the time came for Esther to present herself before the king, Esther 2:17 states, "Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favour and approval more than any of the other virgins." The hand of God in orchestrating Esther's life events is undoubtedly evident.  God was in the detail of Esther's journey from being a common Jewish girl, to being the Queen of the vast Medo-Persian empire.

Queen Esther's tenure at the palace was going on well, until the king decided to elavate a man by the name of Haman, to a seat of honor higher than all other nobles (Esther 3:2).  Scriptures indicate that King Xerxes commanded that all royal officials should pay Haman honor by kneeling down to him.  This must have made Haman to become puffed up with pride as it is evident in his rage against Mordecai and his people (the Jews), when Mordecai refused to kneel down before Haman.  The latter executed his wicked plans by convincing the King to sign an order for all the Jews- young and old, women and little children- to be destroyed, killed and annihilated (Esther 3:13).  The date for the destruction of the Jews' was set to be the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar.  Please note that Haman did not just want to oppress the Jews; his intents were utter destruction- to completely wipe out from the face of the earth God's children.  Haman was a type of the devil, for Satan too comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10a).  His intent is not to merely lure us from our relationship with God and cause us to live a defeated life; he also intends to completely kill and destroy us.  As believers, I pray that we will not be ignorant of the enemy's schemes.  May God help us not to give the enemy a foothold in our lives.

When Mordecai learned of Haman's plans, he went out into the city, wailing loudly and bitterly.  He put on sackcloth  and called upon God for His intervention (Esther 4:1-4).  There is a great lesson to learn from Mordecai.  Upon receiving news about Haman's wicked plans against the Jews, Mordecai immediately took up the responsibility of standing in the gap for his people.  He did not begin to merely murmur and grumble about the injustice inherent in the King's order; nor did he resign his life and that of the Jews to fate.  On the contrary, Mordecai joined the Jews in humbling themselves in prayer and fasting, as well as offered advice to Queen Esther on God's plan of deliverance for the Jews.  Our nation Kenya is being confronted by various enemies.  Some, like corruption, tribalism and terrorism, threaten to destroy our beloved nation and to totally annihilate it.  Shall you and I resign ourselves to murmuring or give up our destinies to fate?  No!  God requires us to arise and contend for our nation in prayer and fasting, until the promises of the Lord are established in Kenya!

When Queen Esther received the distressing information from her cousin Mordecai about the impending destruction of the Jews as plotted by Haman, her initial response implied that she was unsure of her role in the crisis.  She was hesitant to approach the King regarding the matter, without his summon.  This is because such an action had a possible consequence of death.  Esther was at a cross road, and she needed to make a decision in light of Mordecai's insightful message: "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape.  For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish.  And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:13-14)"

This was Esther's defining moment as Queen!  God had been preparing her for this assignment, and the time had come for Queen Esther to unreservedly surrender and be used of God.  At a young age, she had experienced God's divine favour and she had been elevated from a common Jewish girl to being Queen over a vast and powerful kingdom.  She had personally experienced God and known His Mighty power.  Notwithstanding, Esther's faith was being put to the test in this particular crisis.  Her response to the situation is impressive-  She declared a three day prayer and fasting for all the Jews who were living in Susa.  Esther's actions reveal that she understood her limitations and weaknesses; she knew that only God could strengthen, favor and anoint her for the task ahead.  As Esther spent time in God's presence, seeking His face through prayer and fasting, her focus shifted from her human limitations, fears and anxieties and she set her mind on the Lord God Almighty!  The hesitant and fearful Esther was divinely energized and strengthened in the presence of God.  She came out of the prayer and fasting period with a great resolve to do God's will, as explicitly seen in her statement, "And if I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:16).

As believers, we should never forget the purpose for which God has planted, established and made us to flourish on the earth.  Our blessings are for a greater purpose.  They are not merely for ourselves, spouses and children to enjoy.  Rather, our blessings are for the fulfillment of God's purposes in Kenya and on the earth.  Just like Esther was ushered into the palace and made Queen through God's divine work of grace, many of us believers have been led into positions and blessings that are purely a work of God's grace.  God has not blessed us materially, or with good jobs, or endowed us with great talent, merely for ourselves and families!  God is counting on you and I to take up our rightful positions and influence the world for Jesus.  God has called us for such a time as this, to be His mighty army in the land of Kenya.  He has called us to be the watchmen on the walls of Kenya; to wail, mourn, fast and pray- day and night- until the purposes of the Lord are established in our land (Isaiah 62:6-7)!

There are many voices that speak in Kenya today.  Especially as we approach next year's election, voices of divisiveness and tribal hatred are being heard in our land.  Greed and corruption remains a sore in our land, and many feel that we can never conquer these giants, thus we are better off resigning our destiny to fate.  As believers, we must contend in the spirit for the destiny of our nation and silence every voice that speaks contrary to the purposes of God for Kenya.  As 2nd Corinthians 10:4-5 states, "The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

The clarion call of the Spirit is calling the believers in Kenya to the place of prayer.  We must not be silent.  We must not be in slumber.  Let us awake, put on the full armor of God and match courageously into the battle field, under the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ.  May God help us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2).  May we be transformed by the renewal of our mind; may our will be conformed to His will; may our hearts know the heart of God and desire to please Him only.  I pray that Just like Esther, we shall not love our lives so much as to shrink from death (Revelation 12:11).

Join me in meditating on the lyrics of this song:

Verse 1:
Give us ears to hear that still, small voice
And give us lips forever willing to rejoice
And may our eyes be lit with wisdom,
May we know the path that's true,
And we'll march with hearts courageous after You.

We're marching on with hearts courageous;
We'll follow anywhere You want us to,
And should you lead us where the battle rages
We will march with hearts courageous after You.

Verse 2:
And when sorrow dims the light along the way
Help us to see each time of darkness through eyes of faith.
A time for hope, a time for courage
Knowing You will lead us through,
And we'll march with hearts courageous after You.